Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Good Afternoon!
Hoy se les envió carta a los estudiantes que pertenecerán al cuadro de honor de este año. Favor de escoger el tamaño de la camisa sin falta. De esto dependerá el costo de la misma. Gracias por su atención. 

4th Grade:
Today the students worked with their paragraph My Autobiography. This time they were able to re-write it without lines or mistakes. They were also told that incidentally, they were learning how to write by using the 5 steps of writing. Pre-writing ( questions and answers), drafting ( English page), revising (paragraph with lines to complete) and editing (by re-writing without lines or mistakes. The last step will be publishing and sharing. This one is the one they will be handing out on Sept 5th with their oral report.
Have a good day!

5th Grade:
Today students were able to finish and review the quiz about blends and diagraphs. 2nd opportunity.

Asamblea 4to grado

  Muy buenas tardes! En la asamblea de padres auscultamos dudas y enviamos un cuestionario para que los padres determinen cual modalidad e...