Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020

Good afternoon!

4th grade
Students took the short test about the letter and most of them have sent the letter.
When the student receives the letter please do not open it. Bring it back to the classroom. They will be answering questions about it.
Today we started with the different types of sentences.

Theme: Type of Sentences
-Interrogative: makes questions and ends with a question mark. (?)
Ex. What is your name?
- Exclamatory: Express feelings or emotions and it ends with an exclamation mark. (!)
Ex. Fire!  /   What a beautiful day!
- Declarative: makes a statement or gives information and it ends with a period (.)
Ex. I live in Morovis.
- Imperative: Gives a command and it ends with a period (.) or exclamation mark (!)
Ex. Sit down!  /  Give me that pencil.

Type of sentences song youtube link↓↓↓↓↓

5th grade:

Today we started with MAIN IDEA

The main idea: is the main point in the paragraph. It is the most important thought about the topic. It tells you what the paragraph is about.

Video Link about main idea:

Today's worksheet Link↓↓↓↓↓↓

Semana Pasada ↓↓↓↓
Past week: (March 4, 2020) Fiction and nonfiction: classify, color, cut and paste LINK↓↓↓↓↓ 15 pts

Past week : (March 6, 2020) Cause and effect: classify, color, cut and paste LINK↓↓↓↓↓ 25 pts

Asamblea 4to grado

  Muy buenas tardes! En la asamblea de padres auscultamos dudas y enviamos un cuestionario para que los padres determinen cual modalidad e...