Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Good Morning!
Reflection: Today is a better day!

4th Grade
4-D didn't took the class please review and study Question words English to Spanish meaning and English to English
Today students review question words English to Spanish meaning and English to English. Remember to STUDY

Today's Work↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Unit 4.2
Theme: Question Words
_____1. Who                            (a) Cuántos – se puede contgar
_____2.What                            (b) Cuál
_____3. Where                         (c) Porqué
_____4. Why                            (d) Cuántos – no se puede contar
_____5. When                          (e) Cómo
_____6. How                             (f) Dónde
_____7. Which                         (g) Quién
_____8. How much                  (h) Qué
_____9. How many                  (i) Cuándo

👀👀Homework: (Practice)👀👀👀 10pts + 5 on time

You can DownLoad it here link in word↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

5th Grade:
5-V: Today the students didn't took the class, but please review the definitions of sentences, type of sentences and subject and predicate. And download or write these 16 sentences to practice

Today's work↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓👀👀👀Homework Practice👀👀👀↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 10 pts + 5 on time = 15pts

Asamblea 4to grado

  Muy buenas tardes! En la asamblea de padres auscultamos dudas y enviamos un cuestionario para que los padres determinen cual modalidad e...