Reflection: Your attitude determines your direction!
4th Grade:
Today students worked with the sentences starters and paragraph about themselves. This is the part that will be evaluated with the oral report. The rubric was also given.
My Autobiography
My name is
_____________________________. I am
______ years old. I live in ______________.I study at _________________school. I
am in _____ Grade. My father is ___________________. My mother is
___________________. My best friend is ____________. My favorite
food is ____________________. My favorite color is __________. My
favorite animal is ______________. When I grow up I want to be a
*********** STUDY************
5th Grade:
Today student took the quiz about blends and diagraphs. They were able to use the dictionary. Each word had pictures to make it easier. They had to define what is a blend and a digraph.
God Bless you! Have a great day!