Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Good Afternoon!
Reflection: Just keep going!

Unit: 4.1
Theme: All About Me
Today students worked with an assessment about them. They finished the sentence starters, draw, and color. (20 pts)
Students will be working in a paragraph using this information.
******They will also be doing an oral presentation about themselves. ********* STUDY

Unit 5.1
Theme: Blend and Diagraphs
Students worked in groups to finish their chart with blends and diagraphs. They also finish the assessment.

*****STUDY Tuesday Quiz**** Blends / Diagraphs   Ex. ___ ___ ar    ★ (30 pts)

Asamblea 4to grado

  Muy buenas tardes! En la asamblea de padres auscultamos dudas y enviamos un cuestionario para que los padres determinen cual modalidad e...