Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Good Afternoon!
Reflection: Enjoy each day!

4th Grade: 
Today student review over what is a synonym and we practice the pronunciation and Spanish meaning of 30 pairs of synonyms. Then there were able to choose 3 pairs of synonyms and construct sentences.

Theme: Synonyms
List of Synonyms:
1. rich- wealthy
2. plate-dish
3. cry-sob
4. chair-seat
5. begin-start
6. loud-noisy
7. child-kid
8. paste-glue
9. kind-nice
10. poor-needy
11. enjoy-like
12. happy-glad
13. friend-pal
14. enemy-foe
15. end-finish
16. look-see
17. large-big
18. ill-sick
19. story-tale
20. woman-lady
21. bug-insect
22. home-house
23. tired-sleepy
24. correct-right
25. tiny-little
26. angry-mad
27. present-gift
28. sad-unhappy
29. rug-carpet
30. page-sheet

Instructions: Use 3 pairs of synonyms to make sentences.
Ex. woman/lady
a. The woman is beautiful.
b. The lady is beautiful.

for Tuesday
Write the Spanish word/definition for each synonym
Ex. rich-wealthy = rico

5th Grade:
Today students review about story elements

Asamblea 4to grado

  Muy buenas tardes! En la asamblea de padres auscultamos dudas y enviamos un cuestionario para que los padres determinen cual modalidad e...