Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday, Decemb er 5, 2019

Good Morning!

4th Grade: Today they took the test

5th Grade: Review tomorrow test

I. Match:
sentence, interrogative, exclamatory, declarative, imperative, compound, complex, fragment, subject and predicate.

II. Sentence or Fragment
       ___This is my dog.
       ___The beautiful lady.

III. Subject and predicate. Divide with a line and identify each part

The lady with the red shoes went into the store.

IV. Imperative-exclamatory-interrogative-declarative
___1. Stop!
___2. Good Morning!
___3. This is my cat.
___4, Go and clean your room.
___5. Is this my notebook?

V. Write the correct punctuation mark and identify the type of sentence
___1. Hello___
___2. He is my brother___
___3. Don't go in there ___
___4. What is your name___

VI. Match the punctuation marks
1. Interrogative     (a)   !  .
2. Imperative         (b)   .
3. Exclamatory      (c)   ?
4. Declarative         (d)  !

VII. Compound and Simple. Circle the clue word.
___1. He was tired, and he had a headache.
___2. When I go swimming, I have to keep my eyes close.

Asamblea 4to grado

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