Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Good Afternoon!

4th Grade:
Today students continue practicing for tomorrow's quiz about antonyms.

Today's work:

Theme: Antonyms
1. clean
(a) pretty
(b) dirty
(c) happy
2. love
(a) mad
(b) cry
(c) hate
3. win
(a) lose
(b) won
(c) lamp
4. Circle the pair of antonyms in the sentence
I have a left hand and a right hand.
5. True or False
- The antonym for sweet is honey
(a) True
(b) False
Explain: ________
- The antonym for ugly is pretty.
(a) True
(b) False
Explain: __________
6. Use the following pair of antonyms to make sentences. (black/white)
black (a)
white (b)

5th Grade:

Today we discuss the story elements from the story Happy Birthday, Dr. King.
👀👀👀STUDY them TEST next Tuesday.

Todays' work:
Theme: Story Elements
1. Title: Happy Birthday, Dr. King
2. Author: Kathryn Jones
3. Illustrator: Floyd Cooper
4. setting: school, house, January, afternoon, winter
5. Main Character: Jamal
6. Character traits: honest, trustful, creative, responsible, intelligent, good, nice
7. Other characters: Teacher: Mrs. Gordon, Mom or mother: Mrs. Wilson, Dad or father: Mr. Wilson, Sister: Alysha, Grandfather or Grandpa Joe
8. Conflict: Jamal fought for the back of the seat of the bus and he didn't know what to do for his assignment.
9. Resolution: Jamal told the truth and came with an idea for a skit
10. end: Jamal told his teacher his idea for the skit
11. main idea: Fighting is not the way to solve problems.
12. plot:
            1- Jamal received a pink slip.
            2- Jamal talked about the fight
            3- Grandpa Joe got mad.
            4- He learned a lesson.
            5- Jamal made a skit.

Asamblea 4to grado

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